
Right or wrong, I believe a pattern has developed, that the Fredericton City Police are going to have to appologize for.

They have allowed the emotions of one of their clearly unstable officer’s to boil over into this mess.

Police Officer Fred L’Oiseau appears to have first confronted Charles at the Legislature… That didn’t go well and Police Officer Fred L’Oiseau had egg on his face and his face on Charles’ Blog.

That’s no fun, “It’s an Ego Buster”..

At a later date, Police Officer Fred L’Oiseau pulls the bicycle caper and tricks Charles into crossing the street. Ticket time and that doesn’t go well for either party and guess what?

“Police Officer Fred L’Oiseau ends up on Charles Blog again… “A real bad Ego Buster” and a complaint against the officer for kneeing Charles in the privates.

That’s not looking good for the policeman…. He’s pissed now.

I’m not sure but he has likely been off on some sort of administrative or medical leave.

Freddy olde boy has no doubt been blaming this whole thing on Charles and has been stomping up and down that he was called a ??????, a quebecquois, a facist and a guestapo, but is totally unprepared to take any heat for his actions.

He got off on the complaint that was made by Charles that he kneed Charles in the privates, but he knows this is going to come back up in court on traffic ticket day….

NEXT: Charles got nothing for his blowhorn deal and who was Charles blowing off about?

“Officer Freddy L’Oiseau” Now… How does Officer Freddy L’Oiseau have that much clout over the FPF for them to pull last weeks escapade???….

That is an answer for the courts I guess… Over zealous police forces or police officers are crusified in the courts on matters like this and the Dept of Justice knows that.

Do they think all of the evidence won’t come out? The police may think they can compartmentalize these issues, but the truth is everything will come out and regardless of how and what Charles looks like, the police look just as bad.

Not a good case to take to court, I assure you, and on the balance of probability as to conviction the DOJ will shut this down, if they haven’t already…..

I know they don’t run the investigations but they don’t like the bad publicity.

They will likely wait until April for the court date to arrive and then try and plea bargain with Charles.. “But not this time”…. More later..

The Fisherman